It is the goal of Cedar Valley Catholic Schools to provide a Catholic education to all families that want one for their child(ren). Our supporting parishes help to offset the cost of educating students by subsidizing more than 30% of the annual budget. Over 60% of the families at Cedar Valley Catholic Schools receive some form of tuition assistance each school year. There are many ways to help offset the cost to educate your child(ren).
The Our Faith School Tuition Organization (STO) is a charitable organization representing all of the Catholic K-12 schools in the Archdiocese of Dubuque. The STO receives voluntary cash contribution from Iowa taxpayers and allocates those funds in the form of tuition assistance grants to Iowa school children, who in turn, use those grants to attend one of the schools represented by the STO. Applications are accepted each year online at with a deadline of May 5th. Completed tax returns from the previous year are required when submitting the application. For assistance in completing the application, please contact the CVCS Advancement Office.
Cedar Valley Catholic Schools allocates more than $200,000 each school year for local tuition assistance grants. Applicants must complete the STO application to qualify for local tuition assistance and additional application materials may be required.
College Savings Iowa is a 529 plan, which is a tax-advantaged program intended to help an individual or a family pay for education costs associated with college or private school (K-12). The plan is sponsored and administered by the Treasurer of the State of Iowa. Additional information on opening a 529 plan is available at:
Non-public school families may qualify for transportation reimbursement from the public school district that they reside and pay taxes in if they meet the following mileage qualifications: one way mileage must be greater than or equal to 1 mile for K-5 students, greater than or equal to 2 miles for 6-8 students, and greater than or equal to 3 miles for 9-12 students. Families are reimbursed for no more than 3 elementary children and limited to one family member attending high school. Deadlines to submit a request for reimbursement are December 1 and May 1st each year. Requests must be submitted on each date to be reimbursed for the entire school year. Visit the Parent Portal to download the reimbursement form.
Cedar Valley Catholic Schools families can choose from three options for paying their annual tuition bill. Payments can be made annually by September 30 of the current school year, semi-annually with two equal payments on September 30 and January 31 of the current school year, or set up 10 monthly payments for automatic withdrawal for September-June.